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we use cookies and other related technologies to improve and tailor your website experience. See our cookie and data policy. This policy provides information about how aami collects and uses data related to your online activity, and how you can choose to remain anonymous.
Aami general insurance
aami home building and home contents insurance, landlord insurance, strata insurance, car insurance, motorcycle insurance, nsw and sa ctp insurance, act mai insurance, caravan insurance and travel insurance are issued by aai limited abn 48 005 297 807 afsl 230859 (aai) trading as aami. Aami
insurance is issued by aai limited abn 48 005 297 807 afsl 230859 trading as aami business insurance.
Anz home insurance is issued by qbe insurance (australia) limited (abn 78 003 191 035, afsl 239 545) (qbe). Anz recommend s that you read the anz financial services guide (pdf 179kb) , anz home building key facts sheet (pdf 130kb) , anz home contents key facts sheet (pdf 130kb) , anz home insurance target market determination (pdf 199kb) and the anz home insurance product disclosure statement (pdf 548kb) (available by calling 13 16 14), before deciding whether to acquire, or to continue to hold, these products. Anz landlord insurance is issued by qbe insurance (australia) limited (abn 78 003 191 035, afsl 239 545) (qbe) and distributed by anz under its own license.
ACT Workers Compensation Claims
Cyber incident reporting
cover is provided for workers’ compensation, property and business interruption, motor vehicle damage, liability and miscellaneous losses for agencies that contribute to the riskcover fund.
When a
is made against an agency, or circumstances indicate the possibility of a claim arising, the agency should notify us in writing immediately and provide all relevant supporting information. Following receipt of the notification, as soon as reasonably practicable we will notify the agency of:
acceptance or otherwise of the claim;
any action required to be taken by the agency; and
any further information we require to determine acceptance or otherwise of the claim. The way a claim is made depends on the type of cover.
Our local claims team has first-hand knowledge of risks, business practices, legal and regulatory issues. Our claims teams ensure that you are satisfied with the progress of your claims, every step of the way.
Call our 24/7 claims line on 133 723 contact your broker to help you. To lodge your claim, you’ll need: your qbe policy number details of what happened details of other people involved, such as names and contact details of third parties and witnesses a dedicated claims officer will manage your claim. We may be able to make a decision on your claim if we have all the details, or we’ll let you know if we need to know more. If your car is safe to drive, we’ll tell you about your nearest qbe accredited smash repairer and help you through the repair process.
Your name, phone number , email and address a brief description of what happened including the date, approximate time and location of the incident contact details of any witnesses photographs (where possible) of damage, point of impact and vehicle position police report number (if applicable) details of loss or damage you’d like to claim under specific benefits (e. G. Baby seats, personal property) details of any other people you’d like to authorise to discuss your claim (e. G. Your spouse or solicitor).
What happens when i make a claim? once your claim is lodged, you’ll be allocated a claims consultant to personally help you. Your consultant will let you know the next steps. You’ll be kept informed about your claim's progress along the way. You’ll also be given a personal claim number. This makes it quick and easy to reference your claim, so please use it for all enquiries and when providing claim information. How long will it take to process my claim? some claims can be processed immediately, while other more complex claims take longer for us to carefully work through the details.
Building and contents claims note down any details of the incident, including any damage or loss and take photos of the damage. Call us on 13 24 80, 24/7, or visit the cgu insurance claims page to make a claim or if your property requires urgent repairs. Note: report theft and vandalism to the police, and keep a copy of their report. Car and motorcycle claims note down details including the name, address and registration number of the other people and vehicles involved, the date and location of the incident/loss, and take photos of the accident. Call us on 13 24 80, 24/7, or visit the cgu insurance claims page to make a claim.
First call us and tell us about your situation. You will need to provide the date of your disablement, which is typically the date you last worked. We can then verify that your cover was valid for that period, and send out a package of forms to be completed by the person named in the form title. Once you have completed and sourced all requested information, post it to us: aware super, po box 1229, wollongong, nsw 2500. Depending on the complexity of your claim, you may also be asked to provide additional forms and information either from yourself, a medical professional, your employer, centrelink, or a related third party.
Take all reasonable precautions to prevent further loss, damage or liability. Notify the police immediately if any of your property is lost, stolen or vandalised. Contact dsh insurance as soon as possible for advice on the process and the next steps to take. We may ask you to complete a claim form. Give us the information we ask for to support your claim. Provide any assistance we request. If the claim is for contents items, you may need proof of ownership. Provide any communication from a third party or their representative if they are making a claim against you or any legal documents that relate to the incident.
A claim should be made on your own insurer in the first instance. If you have sustained damage to your property or an injury to your person and believe that council is responsible for this injury or damage, please forward an incident report - letter of demand to council. Your incident report - letter of demand should provide as much information as possible and detail the nature of the incident including the date, time and location, the damage or injury sustained and the basis upon which you are holding council responsible. Photographs of injuries/damage sustained, along with a map to pinpoint the location of the incident and a minimum of two (2) quotations must be provided for all claims.
Traditionally an insured needed to show that they had an ‘insurable interest’ in respect of insured property at the time they entered into an insurance contract and at the time they made a claim. For contracts of general insurance governed by the insurance contracts act 1984 (cth) (insurance contracts act), an insurable interest is no longer required. What the insured will normally need to show is that they have suffered economic loss. It is common to name third-party beneficiaries in an insurance contract. For example, a mortgagee may be named in a home insurance policy or a principal may be named by a subcontractor in a public liability policy.